Registration for «2nd Swiss Orthogeriatrics Day» 2019

Please register now online for the 2nd Swiss Ortho­geriatrics Day in Bern.
We are looking forward to your participation!

Register at BBS Congress

If you have any queries regarding your registration, please contact the registration office:

BBS Congress GmbH
Mr Adrian König
Rabbentalstrasse 83
CH-3013 Bern

Phone +41 31 331 82 75
Fax +41 31 332 98 79


Congress fees

Completed further education
In further education
Congress fee
100.- CHF
75.- CHF

Your questions are our questions!

We have included a text box for your questions and suggestions in the registration form for the on-line registration via BBS Congress GmbH.
In this way you have a unique opportunity to send your questions to the speakers even before the symposium, or suggestions for example, for the topics for the meeting in 2020. Use this interactive opportunity to help actively design our meeting; we’re looking forward to it!

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