Registration «6th Swiss Orthogeriatrics Day» 2024

Register online now for the 5th Swiss Orthogeriatrics Day in Lucerne.

Location: Lucerne Cantonal Hospital Trauma Centre for the Elderly, Large Lecture Hall
Date: Thursday, 05.09.2024
Time: 09.00 am - 5.30 pm

We look forward to your participation!


Become a member of the Fragility Fracture Network Switzerland (FFN-CH) now and receive the first annual membership fee for free when you register for the 6th Orthogeriatrics Day at the same time (for registration for FFN-CH until 31 August 2024).
Further information and registration for membership at


If you have any questions regarding your registration, please contact the Registration Office:

VIVA Management GmbH
Kramgasse 16
CH-3011 Bern

Telephone +41 31 311 74 34
Fax +41 31 311 74 37


Congress fees

The congress fee is CHF 150 (early bird) until 30.06.2024, thereafter CHF 180.
The 5th OGD supports young students (medicine, nursing, therapies) and sponsors the first 30 places for students (first come, first serve!), after that the congress fee for students is CHF 100.

Registration SWISS ORTHOGERIATRICS DAY 2024 free of charge for students

Important: This link ONLY works for the first 30 registrants! After that, use the registration link above.


Until 31 July 2024 (date of postmark or receipt of e-mail), a cancellation fee of CHF 50.00 will be charged. In case of cancellation after this date, the full amount of the registration will be invoiced.
Cancellations must be sent by e-mail to or in writing to Viva Management GmbH, OGD 2024, Kramgasse 16, 3011 Bern. Refunds will be credited by bank transfer, in case of credit card by chargeback.

Your questions are also our questions!

During online registration you will find a text field for your questions and suggestions. This gives you the unique opportunity to ask your questions to the speakers before the symposium or to make suggestions, e.g. for topics for the 2024 meeting. Use this interactive opportunity to actively shape our meeting, we are looking forward to it!

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