Impressions 2nd Swiss Othogeriatrics Day 2019

On Thursday 31 October 2019 we held the « 2nd Swiss Orthogeriatrics Day » at Bern University Hospital, setting the scene for discussing new clinical challenges in interdisciplinary and interprofessional treatment of elderly patients in Trauma and Orthopaedics. The program included the following sessions:

  • Session 1: « Key Note Session - Alterstraumatologie aus der Sicht der Notfallmedizin »
  • Session 2: « Workshop-Session » mit « Hands-on »
  • Session 3: « Nachbehandlung – aber wie richtig? » kontroverse Debatte zu postoperativen Mobilisation nach Frakturversorgung am Hüftgelenk

Here are some visual impressions from the « 2nd Swiss Orthogeriatrics Day » in Bern.

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