Abstract Submission «6th Swiss Orthogeriatrics Day»

We are interested in your scientific questions and projects in the field of «Orthogeriatrics».
At the 6th Swiss Orthogeriatrics Day on 05.09.2024 in Lucerne, we are again planning a poster session in the industrial exhibition.

Abstract submission is possible from 01.04. to 31.07.2024.
Notification of acceptance will be made from 31.07.2024.

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you.

Submission Guidelines

1. The abstract must be submitted in German.
2. The maximum length of an abstract is 300 words (including spaces).
3. Only one abstract per participant will be accepted.
4. Deadline for abstract submission is 31.07.2024. 
5. The abstract must be submitted electronically via the link below.
6. Should the abstract be accepted, the author of the abstract commits to register for the 6th Orthogeriatrics Day by 31.08.2024.

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee.
Decisions on acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be made by 30.07.2024.
Among the submitted, accepted abstracts, the best poster will be awarded CHF 300!
With the submission of the abstract, the organisers are authorised to publish the accepted abstracts in electronic and/or written form. There is no obligation on the part of the organiser to accept or publish the submitted abstract.

Abstract Submission - SWISS ORTHOGERIATRICS DAY 2024

For technical questions regarding the submission process, please contact the Registration Office:

Viva Management GmbH
Kramgasse 16
CH-3011 Bern

Telephone +41 31 311 74 34
Fax +41 31 311 74 37

E-mail: orthogeriatrics@viva-management.ch

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